Baking Love

It seems as of late we have experienced a lot of our friends, and family of friends, trudging through hurt. Miscarriages, cancer, depression, death, divorce and other various chronic illnesses. In the midst of these trials, it’s sometimes hard to see the light. All that seems to surround us during these moments is darkness. I try and cling to the truth that the Lord’s mercies are new everyday. And then I focus my energy on something tangible I can do. I bake.

I love to bake. Don’t get me wrong, cooking is great too but if I had to choose, give me flours, measuring spoons, a calculated measurement of sorts, pans, cookie sheets, a mixing bowl and a big spoon to lick the leftover goodies in the bowl and I’m in my happy place.


I’ve also realized baking is the tangible way I can love on others. You’re sick? Having a crappy week? It’s your birthday? You’ve just had a baby? I’m your gal.

So yesterday I got to baking. The babe went down for a nap and I hopped to it. I made these cookies. Gluten and dairy free and unbelievably tasty. Even my gluten loving husband loves these. My friend who needs to be gluten and dairy free loves them. And my dear friend who I baked these for claims them to be her favorite cookie ever, so after she had a particularly rough birthday weekend I made it a point to carve out time to bake these and drop them off with a note and big hug.


So, if you don’t quite have the words, you can always bake. Because let’s be honest here, who doesn’t love a sweet treat dropped off on their porch?

2 thoughts on “Baking Love

  1. Kristen

    Glad to see you blogging again. Can’t wait to see more pics of that cute little guy. We make something sort of like what you made. We call them chocolate oatmeal candies. 2 things I love about them… super easy and my dad can have them (allergic to flour). Glad you guys are doing well!!


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